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Emilia Delizia Announces New Food Tour Departing from Stazione Medio Padana

Parmesan cheese tour

A gastronomic adventure through the heart of Italy with Emilia Delizia’s food tour, exploring Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, and ham.

REGGIO EMILIA, EMILIA ROMAGNA, ITALY, May 22, 2024 / -- Emilia Delizia announces a unique food tour departing from Stazione Medio Padana. This tour offers food enthusiasts an opportunity to explore the culinary traditions of the Emilia-Romagna region, known for its Parmesan cheese, balsamic vinegar, and ham.

Stazione Medio Padana, centrally located in Italy, provides convenient access from cities such as Reggio Emilia, Parma, and Milan, making it easily reachable for both local and international travelers.

**Self-Drive Gastronomic Expedition**

Emilia Delizia’s Self-Drive Gastronomic Expedition is designed for those interested in the culinary heritage of the region, offering the flexibility of driving their vehicle. This tour combines guided experiences with personal exploration, allowing participants to navigate the landscapes and towns of Modena and Bologna at their own pace.

**Tour Highlights**

- **Parmesan Cheese Production:** Participants will visit a traditional Parmesan cheese factory to witness the cheese-making process and enjoy extensive tastings. This experience provides insight into the centuries-old techniques that have made Parmigiano Reggiano a globally renowned cheese.

- **Balsamic Vinegar Crafting:** Guests will explore a balsamic vinegar producer to learn about its production methods, with tastings included and purchase opportunities. The visit highlights the artisanal processes involved in crafting traditional balsamic vinegar of Modena, a product with protected designation of origin (PDO).

- **Ham and Salami Producers:** The tour includes a visit to ham and salami producers in Modena, with guided tours and tastings. Participants will learn about the curing processes and the specific conditions required to produce these celebrated Italian meats.

- **English-Speaking Guides:** Expert guides provide knowledge about the region’s culinary arts, historical context, and stories. Their insights enhance the overall experience, offering a deeper understanding of the cultural significance of Emilia-Romagna’s gastronomy.

**Local Insights**

- **Culinary Heritage:** Emilia-Romagna is often referred to as the "food valley" of Italy. The region is home to many iconic Italian food products and offers a rich culinary heritage that reflects its agricultural bounty and historical trade routes.

- **Cultural Attractions:** Besides its culinary delights, the area around Modena and Bologna is rich with cultural and historical attractions. Modena is famous for its Romanesque Cathedral, a UNESCO World Heritage site, while Bologna boasts the oldest university in the world and a wealth of medieval architecture.

- **Scenic Routes:** The tour allows participants to drive through scenic landscapes dotted with vineyards, medieval villages, and rolling hills, providing a picturesque backdrop for this gastronomic journey.

**Tour Schedule**

The Self-Drive Gastronomic Expedition starts at 8:30 am at Stazione Medio Padana and concludes around 2:00 pm. The tour is available daily, offering flexibility for travelers.

**Optional Extras**

Participants can upgrade their tour to include a visit to a prosciutto factory with additional tastings. This add-on offers a deeper dive into the production of Prosciutto di Parma, another PDO product renowned worldwide.

**Important Notes**

- The tour is conducted in English.
- Participants should not schedule immediate travel plans post-tour due to approximate ending times.

**Booking Information**

Booking the Self-Drive Gastronomic Expedition is available through Emilia Delizia’s website. Guests can select their preferred date and time using the booking calendar. A 20% discount is offered for those using their vehicle with the coupon code "mycar" during booking.

**About Emilia Delizia**

Emilia Delizia provides authentic culinary experiences in Italy, focusing on the Emilia-Romagna region. The company offers food tours, cooking classes, and gourmet adventures that highlight the area’s culinary traditions. Their mission is to promote the rich gastronomic heritage of Emilia-Romagna and provide visitors with memorable, immersive experiences.

For more information and to book your tour, visit Emilia Delizia's Food Tour Page.

Giacomo Benturelli
Emilia Delizia
+39 334 567 8989
email us here

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